Sample of vehicle/equipment description

Early in the war, many soldiers died of preventable and easily treatable wounds, wounds they would have survived had they been treated at a hospital with a working x-ray room. With the Great War raging across the world, such hospitals are few and far between. 

Famed inventor Leah saw the issue facing the soldiers and got to work, repurposing outdated Grey BAK trucks to create the Mobile x-ray. The vehicle includes a darkroom, an x-ray machine, and a generator with enough power to take 12 images before needing to be recharged by driving around for one hour. 

Leah trained over 100 medical technicians to use the mobile x-ray in the course of her lifetime. With a skilled workforce to operate them, the vehicles were deployed wherever needed. Not content to sit on the sidelines, Leah would often go on missions herself. After learning of the dangers of overexposure, some enterprising generals thought to use the Mobile x-ray as a weapon before Leah set them straight.


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